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Tuesday, July 11, 2006

New Header?

Since I don't think people were paying attention to the news box due to the big "Angel Armor Blog" logo on it (this blog was originally meant just to promote my books), I decided to remove the image and probably start working on a new one. At some point I'll also probably remove the link to the "Angel Armor homepage" just because it doesn't lead you anywhere at the moment except the domain, which I own for several more months. ^_~ For now, this is both the home of Angel Armor and Lightbringer until I get off my butt and figure out what to do about sharing it, hence why the title has also changed to featuring both Angel Armor and Lightbringer, particularly because of its use on Lightbringer to promote new pages. Anywho, with the Fanart weeks over with, I expect things to return to their slowed-down pace for a while with the regular updates and possibly a drop in readers (yesterday was the highest yet - 73 visitors!)

By the way, anyone have an answer why we actually have lower visit counts during regular update days (Wednesday and Friday) as opposed to non-update days? ^_~


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