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Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Villain Contest Winners

Well, since the person who said he'd probably make an entry hasn't made one, I'm announcing the winners!

Yes, WINNERS. See, the thing is, I think there's a lot of talent with these villains and I don't want to see it wasted. As such, while some characters I received may not be used, others are perfectly good as cameo fodder, but I still wanted central villains for possible future storylines. As such, these six villains will be appearing in issues 9 and 10, titled "Legacy of Chains."

The winners are:
Firedemon by Dr. Destruction
Lacey Boyle by Vile Terror
Lady Annalemma by Doublemint
Powerglove by Mcfuzzhead
Bruiser by c.w.
Legato Sin by Vinnie D.

While I haven't decided on who, yet, there's every possibility that any of the six above or any other conestants I received may even go past these issues and have their own storyline, but right now these are definitely the ones featured in the two-parter. ^_~

And now here's a sketch of the six:


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