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Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Cast Page Revised!

All righty! I finally got around to revising the entire cast page, with individual profiles for each character! It'll probably look spiffier as time goes on, but hey, check out the revised history/information/pictures of each character along with notes from me about the character, giving a little bit better insight as to how I created them! ^_^

Oh, and you can also see Hannah's new hairdo, coming in Issue 5. ^_~

Monday, October 30, 2006

So little Time

Okay, sadly I still have yet to revise the cast page itself. I finished the individual character profiles, but the cast page itself needs to be altered for the new format. I should be able to get to that sometime this week, hopefully sooner rather than later.

Now, there isn't a normal update today because I actually started the three-days a week a week early. My fault. As such, I'm compensating by having filler in place of it. ^_~ Don't worry, you'll also get a Halloween special thing on Tuesday as well as the storyline resuming on Wednesday. We're almost done with Issue 4!

Friday, October 27, 2006

Continuing to Redesign

Those looking in the archive will now notice that it has adopted the same style as the front page. ^^ Yeah, I just had to get off my lazy butt to do it.

The next site redesign stuff to come will be in the form of the Cast page! Yes, I'm going to redesign it completely this weekend, having separate web pages for each character main, secondary, or villain, with a new image that's even SHADED! WOW!

Now let's just hope I don't get lazy and not get around to it. ^_~

Friday, October 13, 2006

Site Redesign

There's still a lot of work to be done, but behold! At some point I'll probably put up a new quote, too. ^_~ Also, the Web-14 logo is gone for a bit, I just need to redesign it to better streamline. Thing is, I'm sure people using other viewing scales than 1280 x 1040 noticed that some things weren't straight or centered, so hopefully this redesign will help.

I've still got to get off my lazy butt and redesign the other sites, too, and not just the index page. ^^;;