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Monday, January 01, 2007

Cover Contest!

I can barely go two issues without having a new contest. ^_~ I think I just am obsessed with fan interaction in the comic.

In this case, I've come to the realization that my covers really tend to suck. Issues 1 and 6 are perfectly all right for what they are, simple homages (Issue 1 to Identity Crisis #2 and Issue 6 to Issue 1's cover), but the other ones are rather bland, with more focus on gradients then a good, appealing design. As such, I wish to rectify this with a new contest. Here's how it works:

1. The cover can be of an issue already done or an issue to come. Issues to come can just simply be your own conceptualization based on the storyline description or just how you'd like to do a cover.
2. If you want a few more details based on an idea you have for a cover, send the basic idea to me and I can tell you if it would work with the plot of the story without giving away too many spoilers. ^_~
3. Due date is the beginning of Issue 7, February 26th.
4. You can redesign the title text of the "Lightbringer," but if you're interested in retaining it, it's Algerian font on Italics and an outline of 1.0 in Paint Shop Pro.
5. You may also do an "Elseworlds" or "What If?" style of cover if there's a cover you wish to do that has not been listed in the Storylines section.

Winners (yes, this time I'm admitting there are multiple winners) will have their cover included in the trade paperback of Issues 1-6 (Like how a normal TPB of comics would have the alternate covers) even if the cover is for a future Issue. Appropriate credits will be included. Along with that, if the cover's good enough for a future Issue, it will be used in lieu of my own cover for it (as well as having the entries included as the occassional fanart page that tends to pop up outside of regular updates.

Entries should be either e-mailed to me or posted in the special thread I'll be starting in the Forum.